The book makes sense of the mysteries surrounding our biology and the inexplicable world of the paranormal. It diligently deciphers the integration of the philosophy of biology, genes and DNA, telepathy, inheritance and evolution by proposing a new core theory of biology. It is a revolution for scientific thinkers and philosophers which will alter theories of consciousness and evolution forever: Surely the science in all these areas will never be the same again. cast weblog
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 19
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
My guest, Vicky Sweetlove, has developed her natural psychic abilities so that now she is able to give a wide range of psychic advice and to perform various psychic functions. On her website; www.fengshuilife.co.uk (http://www.fengshuilife.co.uk)you will see she is a trained professional in the field and is able to give advice on housing and buildings, using the ancient Chinese method of Fung Shui, as well as removing unwanted attachments to spaces and buildings. She is able to achieve amazing success by dowsing and also accesses people's individual psychic records, from what is called the Akashic Records library, so that advice can be given about health, relationships, family, career and creativity. Some people suffer from a spirited attachment which manifests in different ways. Vicky is trained in identifying and releasing these undesirable attachments. All these psychic abilities rely on a single method of sensing, akin to telepathy, which I have explained in my book Sublimity,
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 18
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Dreaming is not easily understandable, and lucid dreaming which does happen to many people occasionally, used to be considered paranormal. But psychologists started to study it 100 years ago and there is now considerable understanding. 30 years ago, studies in the UK and that Stanford University in the U.S. both discovered that lucid dreaming occurs during normal REM sleep. It is when a sleeper is aware of a different type of dream, and is able to direct his own attention, even signalling by eye movement to a researcher when the rest of the body is paralysed. But my guest Beverley D Urso, is a natural lucid dreamer who helped in the research at the Stanford Sleep Laboratory. Not only that, she is psychic and has learned to use telepathy and healing while dreaming. Furthermore she has learned to bring the lucid state into daytime consciousness with good effect.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 17
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
17The use of past life regression for therapy is becoming increasingly popular and my guest Elizabeth Hill is one of many practitioners. Hypnosis is used to regress to past lives in order to find out if there have been past problems which may affect the mental or physical health in this life. Reincarnation is a core belief in many religions, even early Christianity, and this is because of reports of people remembering something that happened long ago. Modern therapy involves a combination of several techniques one of which is past life therapy and Elizabeth practices several techniques in giving a holistic treatment.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 16
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
In 30 years there has been a revolution in the teaching of meditation and in personal mind control which has been brought about by many new methods and devices. One of the first was the Mind Mirror, and the inventor's book that accompanied it called "The Awakened Mind". My guest today is Judith Pennington who makes use of that technology to train for deep meditation in classes, demonstrations and teaching. The Mind Mirror is a biofeedback instrument which allows the user to see his own brainwave patterns, in order to get the feel of controlling his mind, to achieve deep relaxation. Mind training and meditation is becoming increasingly popular with more and more people using it for healing, medium ship, lucid dreaming, and even ESP studies.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 15
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
My guest Quintin Smith saw spirit people as a child, and then started on a career as a medium and healer at age 22. He tells of his spirit medium ship, firstly privately and later becoming a visiting medium at Spiritualist Churches and a teacher at the College of Psychic Studies in London. He then became interested in healing and has been trained by Ray Brown who is a well known spiritual healer and surgeon. Quintin has learned much from Ray Brown, and has been carrying out spiritual healing and surgery himself for several years.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 14
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
I've just discovered that autistic children are very receptive to being taught unconsciously by non verbal connecting, which to me is telepathy. My guest is Mary Ann Harrington, who has been teaching autistic children for 20 years and she's learned that she can communicate non verbally in some way or another. Recently, there has been published about 10 books on the subject of autistics, and how best to teach them the skills which some of them seemed to lack, which we normally take for granted.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 13
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
In Japanese, Reiki means 'mysterious influence' which relies on a spiritual energy that is hard to define. It was started 90 years ago by Mikao Usui as a result of Buddist training which involved meditation, fasting and prayer, that led to him practice healing by the use of universal life force energy. But despite the vague descriptions; it really does work. My guest, Guido Terzaghi, practices at a health centre in the University town of Cambridge. Reiki is commonly practiced in many countries of the world. This programme not only explores its spiritual and practical side, but compares it to other forms of complementary medicine and healing, discovering that there are some common factors, and seemingly all these techniques use the same fundamental system to heal the body and mind. What is it?
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 12
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
There is a huge body of literature and scientific evidence for near-death experiences (NDE's). My guest is Dr. Peter Fenwick who is a neuropsychiatrist and Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, who is a leading clinical authority on near-death experiences. He also lectures and has published 2 books on the subject of NDE's. As a neuroscientist he has been in a position to be close to patients reporting an end of life experience, from which they have been subsequently resuscitated. The experiences are difficult to understand or explain, and pose difficult scientific questions, about which there has been much scientific research and debate. Dr. Fenwick explains the science and problems, in non scientific terms, giving information on this strange but not on common human experience.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 11
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Although remote viewing can sometimes be explained by trance and telepathy, this is generally not a reasonable explanation. So what is it that enables a person to see something in a sealed box? or see something 100 miles away? or even move objects with only the power of the mind? That's a good question, about which my guest has some very interesting comments to make. Remote viewing requires firstly, some special deep trance state, followed by instruction into how to project in order to remote view. Easy to say: but apparently not completely impossible to do. There is evidence that even the ancient Egyptians used remote viewing and had their own way of teaching that special deep trance state.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Paranormal is Normal No 10
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
This week I'm analysing about 90 different ways that we can experience paranormal events, and that number of course makes the whole thing appear mysterious. Many of these have been discussed in previous shows with an expert talking on that particular topic. But it's only by standing back and taking a holistic view that any sense can be made out of the whole thing. The main problem is that we have so many words for describing the same experience: it's all a complete muddle. This week I will show that there are only two phenomena that are the basis for the whole range of the paranormal, and they are trance and telepathy which are both surrounded by mystery as up till now no description has been available which suggest how or why. In the centre section of this show I'll outline my theory that explains how and why, which fits all the evidence, and allows a perfectly reasonable explanation.